Cookie policy

This site ( uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your computer. Bots uses two types of cookies:

Session cookies: A session cookie is only stored temporarily during your visit to the site and is used, for example, to keep track of whether you are logged in or not.

Permanent cookies: Permanent cookies are stored in a file on your computer for a limited time. They are used to enhance your experience as repeat visitors to our sites. Some permanent cookies are so-called third-party cookies (cookies set by third parties) from tools used for analysis purposes to improve services and your experience, as well as for some type of marketing.

Deny cookies

Your browser can be set to automatically deny cookies. You can also delete previously stored cookies. Learn more about your browser’s help pages to find out how you do it. The Bots website works flawlessly if you deny persistent cookies and third-party cookies, but if you deny session cookies it cannot be guaranteed that the site will work as promised, for example, functionality such as keeping you logged in is not possible.

More information about cookies

Read more about cookies